Call out your audience
Capture attention and pique curiosity
State the #1 problem you are solving and the outcome you are delivering.
The “I get you” section.
Establishes empathy and assures them they’re not alone in their struggle. You need to show that we UNDERSTAND them and the problem. If you don’t reflect the problem to them, they don’t know you understand them well enough to have the solution.
Vary the format of your text, use bold, CAPS, • bullets, underlines and more to capture your reader’s attention.
Imagine what life is like when you overcome the obstacles above! This is the outcomes section.
Call out the outcomes and learning objectives your course delivers.
Use the words they would use to talk about what life would be like if their problem was sovled.
Paint a picture of life once their problem is solved, motivating them to enroll in your course.
Show your audience there is a solution to the problem.
Amazing people, extraordinary outcomes!
Quote Source
“The Attitude and energy of this section Is “You can have this too!” Builds credibility and trust by sharing success stories and positive feedback from people who’ve benefited from your course.”
Quote Source
“The Attitude and energy of this section Is “You can have this too!” Builds credibility and trust by sharing success stories and positive feedback from people who’ve benefited from your course.”
Ready to learn more about blank?
Freebie description - one sentence with what the freebie is and the outcome - i.e., Enter your email below for our free guide on helping your child learn how to tie their own shoes so you don’t have to struggle every time you need to leave the house!
Be sure to check your inbox for your freebie - subject line: _______.
Introducing Course Name!
Your Solution + Problem You Are Solving + Benefit/Outcome
The course elevator pitch summarizes the essence of the course, clearly explaining what the course is about, who it’s for, and the main benefits, ensuring that potential customers immediately understand the value and relevance to their needs. Keep it concise and client-friendly.
Course elevator pitch. Call out your audience and summarize both what your audience gets and the outcomes they’ll receive. Tell them who the course is taught by and the format. This section will be 3-5 sentences. You can bold and capitalize important words to help people scan and still catch the important information.
Join Today!
If you have a special offer note that here.
Hi, I’m Hannah
This section includes a photo of you and your background, expertise, and personal story. Establishes your authority and build connection. Keep it short. This isn’t a written version of your resume!
Quote Source
“The Attitude and energy of this section Is “You can have this too!” Builds credibility and trust by sharing success stories and positive feedback from people who’ve benefited from your course.”
Are you ready for #1 outcome?
If you have a special offer note that here.
Here’s what we’ll cover in the course:
Main outcomes/learning objectives
Help potential customers understand the course structure and content
Main outcomes/learning objectives
Help potential customers understand the course structure and content
Main outcomes/learning objectives
Help potential customers understand the course structure and content
Main outcomes/learning objectives
Help potential customers understand the course structure and content
Main outcomes/learning objectives
Help potential customers understand the course structure and content
Main outcomes/learning objectives
Help potential customers understand the course structure and content
PLUS, you’ll get these amazing bonuses…
Name/title (valued $_)
2-3 bullet points about what’s included
Name/title (valued $_)
2-3 bullet points about what’s included
Name/title (valued $_)
2-3 bullet points about what’s included
Name/title (valued $_)
2-3 bullet points about what’s included
Let’s experience this outcome!
Join Course Name today! Mention any specials bonus or sales.
Let’s hear from some of our previous clients!
Quote Source
“The Attitude and energy of this section Is “You can have this too!” Builds credibility and trust by sharing success stories and positive feedback from people who’ve benefited from your course.”
Quote Source
“The Attitude and energy of this section Is “You can have this too!” Builds credibility and trust by sharing success stories and positive feedback from people who’ve benefited from your course.”
Quote Source
“The Attitude and energy of this section Is “You can have this too!” Builds credibility and trust by sharing success stories and positive feedback from people who’ve benefited from your course.”
The Recap Section
Summarizes everything they are getting in one place - benefits, outcomes, and content.
If you have a special offer note that here. Tell them you get all this for just…
The FAQs address the objections someone has about buying your course and helps them move closer to making the purchase.
The FAQs address the objections someone has about buying your course and helps them move closer to making the purchase.
The FAQs address the objections someone has about buying your course and helps them move closer to making the purchase.
The FAQs address the objections someone has about buying your course and helps them move closer to making the purchase.
The FAQs address the objections someone has about buying your course and helps them move closer to making the purchase.
The FAQs address the objections someone has about buying your course and helps them move closer to making the purchase.
The FAQs address the objections someone has about buying your course and helps them move closer to making the purchase.
The FAQs address the objections someone has about buying your course and helps them move closer to making the purchase.
The FAQs address the objections someone has about buying your course and helps them move closer to making the purchase.
The FAQs address the objections someone has about buying your course and helps them move closer to making the purchase.